Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Weekly Horoscope From April 29 To May 5

If you’ve been clinging to an aspect of your past that you know it’s time to release, Monday’s skies will do wonders to pry it from your grasp. That day, your ruling planet, active Mars, collides with soulful Neptune in your twelfth house of release—a connection that only comes once every other year. Letting go is a complex mix now of spiritual surrender and rehoming belongings that you don’t need anymore. Simply purging possessions can stir up emotions, so take a moment to bid farewell to objects and thank them for the use or lessons you got out of them. (For example, maybe your once-favorite jeans are now a threadbare pair of cutoffs destined for a local textile donation site. You’re grateful for the thousands of days they literally covered your a**, as well as what they taught you about cost-per-wear and investment pieces.)
You’ll also wave au revoir to Venus, planet of love, who is leaving your sign on Monday, April 29. The past few weeks have been stimulating, for sure. But stabilizing? Not quite so much. Even if you WERE able to focus on one special soul since Venus roved into Aries on April 5, perhaps you became restless when things felt “too real” instead of playing out like a modern day version of The Notebook. The upside is that all things “amour” should get back on a more even keel as Venus hunkers down in Taurus and your sensible (but sensual!) second house until May 23. Suddenly, the “boring things” like reading side by side or picking up groceries for a shared meal could give you butterflies. Adopt a slower, more mindful, approach. If a new love match is just getting off the ground, don't rush towards some goal line. Revel in the "getting to know you" phase, which is something you won't get to experience twice. Attached? Tell your partner how much you appreciate all the things they do for you and be sure you’re also acknowledging their latest wins. Those “words of affirmation” can make or break your bond while Venus gets vocal[LS1]  in Taurus, the sign that rules the throat.
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